
How to make the most of those powerful energies?!

Watch the video to learn how to make the most of the powerful shifts happening on the earth, in the cosmic realms and within our physical body?

– Learn about the way the earth breathes at the moment and how the earth kundalini increases the fire element.

– Why is it so amazing to know that the magnetic poles frequencies are shifting, what does it have to do with our pineal gland and therefore our intuition and psychic abilities?

– The cosmos is also bringing amazing alignments, gamma rays and galactic upgrades, what does it actually do to our physical body and our reality?

– The full solar eclipse happening on the 14th is amplifying the divine fire and divine masculine energies during this gateway. Action mode is on, but how to be reassured that we stay anchored as so much is happening?

– How can we navigate challenging emotions, challenging times with ease, presence and so much love that we become magnificent light leaders now, already!

– Receive some pretty cool ‘spiritual practices’ for this end of the year, so you can not only shift yourself but also all the people around you – and in the shopping malls aslo;-)

– How can we use this amplification portal for powerful manifestation?

– How can we be there for our loved ones, and be reassured about them, the journey through this amazing time? And more!!! This transmission is packed with goodness, uplifting frequencies and many codes to serve you now.

May you receive from your heart portal in trust and LOVE, always!

Sending you waves of crystalline love,


PS: Join Fractal Recoding, the 5 day FREE home-immersion starting on the 14th of December 2020. Simply join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fract…

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