
Today my heart is full of gratitude for the flow of abundance, connections and expansion flowing FAST into my daily life. Being free means allowing ourselves to be open to receive. I used to think that “off course, I’m always happy to receive” but as a matter of fact, I often had my walls up, judgments, outdated templates, beliefs systems and fears preventing me from truly receiving from the heart.

So here is an example of the massive abundance I am receiving a the moment, and spirit tells me that it is only starting, that this flow will continue and expand as I surrender even more into my own divinity…

Yesterday I received a session from the amazing Corrie Taylor.

I was blown away by her knowledge of the physical body, but also by her intuition and channeling.

Even by distance, she was able to help me on many levels to attain better health and alignment.

Check it out, she’s next the level healer!

Then, I met with a friend I hadn’t connected with in years, and never on such a deep level.

Our 2.5 hrs conversation ended up taking me on an evening meeting with his friends.

I was very honoured to be welcomed in their space and so grateful to anchor the foundations of a powerful co-creation of a unique event in Wellington that will be starting very soon!

Thank you!

This morning I received a gift from the best mentor and business coach I could have dreamed to have.

Gaby Kowalski is a gift from the universe to all soulpreneurs.

This gift was a session with a powerful channel who helped me understand my path more clearly.

This session was next level powerful and we got along so well that we are going to meet up with our families in Wellington soon!

I receive such clear guidance that I can now work in the Quantum to manifest with greater ease!

I discovered my elemental guardian who will be teaching me very important knowledge for my soul mission.

Thank you!

Now, a team is placing a heat pump in my lounge, and I don’t pay a thing, thanks to the new law demanding that home owners place heating in their rental properties.

Me and my daughters will be warm in winter, for the first time in five years!

They will come back to do other upgrades in my home next week.

And I won’t pay anything at all. I acknowledge these gifts with gratitude.

Thank you!

All of this is happening extremely fast, because I took the leap of faith of trusting my inner guidance to surrender to the messages my intuition was bringing me.

I didn’t wait, I didn’t shy away, I didn’t get scared…

I took aligned actions, asked for help, gave phone calls, but most of all, I opened my heart to receive all the abundance that the universe wants to bring me!

This is pure co-creation!

Thank you my galactic team and Source!

If you want to experience fast and powerful transformation, it is available to you, to all of us.

Surrender to the calling of your soul, allow yourself to be divinely guided…


Are remember, we were born free, reclaim the power within!


Even my cat Millie came to check out our new cosy corner! Isn’t it pretty?

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