
Today, I’m living my dream life! And that comes from surrendering to my soul’s calling, creating fast and powerful ripples of quantum shifts.

More precisely: I’m attending (virtually due to the Covid19’s disruption in air travel) a 4 days event with the one and only Gaby Kowalski! Next time, I’ll make it in person in Melbourne!

I’m very proud to call Gaby my mentor, my galactic business coach, my new favourite person on this planet.

I discovered her through my bestie Melissa Garrity, who’s also part of the New Earth Mission Collective. Mel wouldn’t stop for a minute talking about how amazing Gaby was, what Gaby said, how Gaby this and Gaby that… She became so annoying with “sis, you’ve got to check her out”, that I had to check out what it was all about. I got hooked.

I binged watched all of Gaby’s free content during the first month of lockdown. Then Gaby’s face was printed and put on my vision board: one day, I would also join her tribe. I felt it would be in months or years, I couldn’t see how I could possibly join before that, as what she offers is so next level.

The universe had many more surprises in store for me…

Through Gaby, and Mel, I also got to virtually meet the galactic Trance Channel Livia Devi. I only received one activation from her and I started downloading massive knowledge about the Arcturians. All of that happened as I was just finishing a program with another one of my bestie, Shannon Rose, on the “Creatress”, which unlocked the keys to reach trance state and profound connection with my sacred sexuality.

I’m telling you, the perfect orchestration of the universe is pretty potent in this story. All of it unfolded in 3 months, no more.

During those months, my templates shifted so drastically that I was anchored in a timeline I thought would be coming in years, and I wasn’t even clear about what it was: the path of being a leader of the galactic earthling, through trance channeling and quantum coaching.

The visions I had had since I was a little girl all of sudden became crystal clear: this is what I will do on a massive stage, one day! Trance Channel Galactic Beings to shift humans and bring in those realms in our every day lives!

So, I released, more and, and more and more… I downloaded more, and more, and more.

I trusted my intuition 100%, took massive leap of faith and surrendered to the calling of my soul to trust Source and my galactic friends entirely.

Today, as I write those lines, I am a student of Gaby Kowalski, a Trance channel, a Leader of the galactic Earthling, an ascension mentor. I teach other souls about intuition and how to expand to galactic levels, I receive people for 1:1 life-changing sessions, and I am booked one month in advance. Now, I am creating a semi-private container for missioned souls (soon to be released). I have many smaller offerings coming and my very first live event as a trance channel mid-August!

This, my friend, is what I call stepping into FREEDOM: dropping all the shit that was cluttering me on multidimensional levels, to create space to receive the new templates that are now being fully activated.

I mean, I get to spend 4 days learning from a super star, not having to worry about money, or time, or commitments, because I have the freedom to create my own schedule and only take in what’s in alignment with my soul and my soul mission.

Some would say: “you’re lucky”

This has nothing to do with luck… This requires courage, commitment, trust and love. This becomes addictive as we step into these frequencies, because they are so powerful, that they bring us to new levels of alignment and dedication to our mission.

Today I feel grateful for it all… For receiving so much knowledge, so many downloads from my amazing coach, for having soul aligned friends who can see my light and encourage me to anchor myself into it, for my own soul, my own courage, to relentlessly seek and anchor freedom as the ultimate, yet the only way to live, truly liberated, on this beautiful earth.



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