
💫 My beloved, I know that at times, you can feel very small…
When you compare yourself to someone else who seems to have accomplished more than you,
You feel triggered.
When someone talks to you as if you were a child and makes you feel powerless,
You feel triggered.
When you are silently jealous of another person’s body, house, love life, career,
You are triggered.
Today I want to tell you:
This is great!!!
Can’t you see that the person making you feel that way is the actor coming into your life to teach you how to upgrade your identity?
Look at what it is that you are being triggered about…
Do you really believe that you are powerless?
Is that really the truth?
The aboslute truth? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Are you 100% sure that you are powerless?
Or that you will never – ever – ever – have someone to love by your side, a career you like, a beautiful house?
By raising the question, you awaken the power within you, the dragon energy that wants to scream:
I Deserve that too!!!
So, my beloved, next time something like this happens into your life, ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Do you feel that you could be happy because this shows that you are ready to step up?
That you are ready to upgrade your identity, find your power and go for what your heart desires?
I am telling you that because I love you and I know your heart…
And it is pure, innocent and beautiful.
May you see that
May you feel that
May you be that.
I love you, always

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