The Star Races Part 5: The Blue Avians

The Star Races Part 5: The Blue Avians

Welcome my dear friends!   Today, I’m going to share with you about the Blue Avians star race.  The Blue Avians are a unique star race that has only recently started to connect more with humans. They are simply magnificent, gracious beings who are usually...
The Star Races Part 3: The Arcturians

The Star Races Part 3: The Arcturians

The Arcturians are master healers, highly intellectual and beautifully graceful beings who have been working with humanity for a very long time. It is very exciting for me to share about the Arcturians because as you might already know, the Arcturians are the star...
The Star Races Part 2: The Pleiadians

The Star Races Part 2: The Pleiadians

In this post, I would like to share with you the frequency of the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians are a powerful star race that has been present in humanity for a very long time.  Pleiadians work exclusively with the heart chakra I have observed as I co-create with them...